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Friday, November 5, 2010


Title: Wedding Crashers
Director: David Bobkin
Featuring: Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson
Distributor: New Line Cinema
Year: 2005
Medium: Film

1) How do the main characters behave in the movie toward other male characters Towards female characters? Do you consider their behavior masculine.
  •  The main characters, Vaughn and Wilson related to most of the male characters in the movie with courage and confidence taking into account that they penetrated a socially high ranking circle and were able to fit in. proving their masculinity to themselves with the craftiness in their ways. They found ways to impress the female characters with slick talking lines to make them more receptive to their schemes and approaches.

2) Does the movie place more emphasis on the relationship/bond between males or between males and females? Are there any connections between the movie and what David Grazian discusses about males behavior in "The Girl Hunt: Urban Nightlife and Performance of Masculinity as Collective Activity"
  • with their Casanova tactics, a resemblance  can be made from the movie with  Grazian's remarks on how boys make preparations before going out to party. From the way Grazian expressed the wing man back-up and various approaches and advances that boys initiate and pursue so was is exhibited here by the two main characters when they finalize the wedding they are crashing and how they make preparation for it.
  • I see more light being thrown on the connection of man and woman and more of brotherhood or friendship but considering the big picture, both men were attracted to two sisters and wanted to be with them. The sisters shared a family bond together with their father as the two crashers to their friendship bond.

3) what seems to be the ultimate message of the film?In other words, what ideas about men and masculinity do you, the viewer, walk away with from this film?

I see the movie as sending out a call to men that in order to attain masculine absolution, there is the need to express true love and respect to the women in their lives since they constitute as a part of the focal point of a man.


        A comedy story about two guys who go to weddings uninvited. And with a conning aura, maneuver their way to bed with as many women as they can. Playing wing man for Vaughn(John), Wilson(Jerome) and him would spent time finding wedding announcements in the newspapers and make plans on the kind of crowd and how to penetrate them. They had their fill of women from their wedding crashing till they crashed at a  wedding of a daughter of a politically powerful man(Christoper Walkin).  Expressing their masculinity to themselves, they confidently and courageously swim  in the midst of high ranking social circles with their slick credulous tactics. A bond between friends and family and an insight of an unbreakable love of father and children.A general reflection on how ideal masculinity can be attained by men closely understanding and connecting with the women in their lives.

Work Cited

Wedding crashers, Dir. David Dobkin. Perf.
Vince Vaughn, Owen Wilson, Christopher Walkin, Rachel Mcadams. New Line Cinema, 2005. Film.

1 comment:

  1. You do a nice job with the Work Cited entry for the film. Your responses to the questions raise several interesting points, such as the men infiltrating the upper-social class by crashing the wedding where they meet the two women they ultimately fall for, and how true love and respect for women are two key aspects of masculinity. Regarding this second point, why are these two necessary for men to "attain masculine absolution"? To absolve means to free from guilt or blame? Is that what you meant? How is masculinity a form of blame or guilt men must strive to be forgiven for?
    Also, I'm a bit unclear about the connection you are making between Grazain's article and the film. You claim the two contrast, which means they are different, but then you go on to say that both are similar in terms of how the men play the game of the 'girl hunt'???
    Your reflection restates what you said in your response to the three questions. You have already done a reflection for your annotated bibliography and that did not ask for a list of ideas. Please reread the assignment and review your work.
