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Friday, December 10, 2010


Honestly, i had a limited idea of what it means to be masculine till this class. Though i like to read, i never really came across an article or journal that elaborated on the topic. All the course readings have been adequately helpful in raising my understanding about social issues and misrepresentations. My research papers which i would say without pride that i didn't impress myself enough with my source. Especially after writing on my second research, I later came to find out that I can't print my  second source because they are more Google related than the school library media center but in the nut shell I wouldn't  hesitate to say was a very great experience acquainting with the topic and the research. Last and most importantly of all, I send a lot of gratitude to the instructor Ms.Bogacka who goes out of her way to provide resources and idea guidance into vivid details to facilitate the learning process and progress of the class.

UPDATE OF PART 2 OF RESEARCH PAPER 2: Recognition of the efforts of the black man in child growth and development


ENG 101.0800


ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY RESEARCH: Recognition of the effort of black men in the lives of their children

John Q. Dir. Nick Cassavetes. Perf.
Denzel Washington, Robert Duvall, Gabriela Oltean. New Line Cinema.2005.Film

After years of working and living on low income wages, an intimate father’s son is face with death if his abnormally growing heart is not changed for a new one. Since the insurance company wouldn’t cover the cost of the surgical transplant, he is faced with the challenge of coming up with the funds for the surgery. Not being able to forfeit the cost of the treatment, he takes charge of the surgery room to ensure the safety of his son

As world widely researched and evaluated of intimate fathers, the basic result of the kind of bond shared between the father and his family becomes unbreakable to the extent that the father/husband is ready to do everything to safe keep his family. This is a man who is very close to his son. Playing the role of father and friend.

Evidently as modern fathering is professing that a father’s involvement can be measured by what he does with and for his child is more important than co-residence. As displayed by the way Denzel and his son projected in this drama filled movie

 Conner Michael E., and Joseph L White “Demographic trends conceal father participation in black community” Black fathers: an invisible presence in America”.2006.Web
This ebook from Conner and White discusses how black men are being disregarded when it comes to fatherly roles in households.Black men are seen as incompetent for the kind of esteem they are supposed to be rated when considering father and son interactions and household work. An advocation for the acknowledgment of the contributions being made by black men in the lives of their children.

Supporting my thesis at its core, black men do very well contribute to the lives of their children and if a serious marriage, their nuclear family. In the case of his child, the black man still goes ahead to be available for his child regardless of the fact that he is not with the child's mother. data have shown, black men have high divorce and unemployment rate. A factor that shouldn't be estimated in evaluating father and son relationship since the basic point is to let the son have an  intimate knowledge of masculinity.

Though engulfed in a history of degradation and socioeconomic suffering, social scientist and researchers tend to deprive black men of some due recognitions like active fathering roles in nuclear and extended households. It might be of great importance for researchers to really broaden their scope of investigations and method of assessment on father and child relation with proper attention paid to the mannerisms of their relation and not the environment nor the literal or primitive perception.

final draft

Shamoon Baba
Eng 101.0800
Magdalene Bogacka
December 10, 2010

Recognition of the efforts of the black man in child growth and development
When I was scanning through Coltrane’s Fathering: Paradoxes, Contradiction, and Dilemmas, I stumbled upon the acknowledgement of the efforts and participation of black fathers in active child growth and development. This translated to me that researchers are beginning to extend their investigations beyond the predominant race mainly the white. At the second paragraph in his variation: Levels of Predictors of Fathers’ Involvement, he states that most contemporary research on fathering covered only the middle-class white families. But researchers, likewise him, are getting the big picture of the similarity across family types. One can easily jump into conclusion to think of white men as the ones who should per se possess the “know how” to child growth and development but evidently the black man has challenged the negative image of irresponsibility by means of expressing  the phenomenal relations they have with their biological offspring as studies have shown. I therefore give a reaffirming support to the earlier point stated by Coltrane on noticed behaviors of black fathers. Gathering two backing sources to support my stance, I present the movie John Q which exhibits a profound father and son relationship. The movies will serve as visual support to my position. The second source is from a book by Michael E Conner and Joseph L White titled Black fathers: an invisible presence in America. With this, I advocate for the works of black fathers to be recognized by researchers and social scientists toward the betterment of the black community
The recognition of black fathers was not exalted or celebrated until the turning point of recent years. The core behavioral skills are expression of love and commitment to their families. These fatherly elements about black fathers are characterized in the movie John Q. Denzel Washington (John Quincy) plays the father of a little boy and a good family man. He shares love and responsibilities in the growth and development of their only child who unfortunately faces a life threatening cardiovascular issues which required 75,000 dollars to perform a heart transplanting surgery. Since the company he worked for had their health insurance policy changed and the pending policy didn’t cover such high bills, the father is faced with the challenge of raising the money to facilitate his son’s surgery or he gets released from the hospital to go home and await his death. A vivid display of what a father would do for and with a child is played perfectly by Denzel.  At the first quarter of the movies, father relates to son with deep love and guidance. Playing a “double bind” of loving and strict parenting, Denzel expresses the deep seated fatherly love for his son and his wife. This serves as an embedded behavior of typical black males that are not incorporated in the evaluation of fatherly participation and growth of child by the media or not being given the adequate support to make others copy from. It is rather unfortunate that the father in this movie had to take a violent approach to solving his son’s health problem but upon second thoughts, I find the his action- though not right-to be a tangible evidence of how deep his love runs for his son and family and what he is willing to do to ensure their safety.
Black people in general are more associated with violence and crime. This indeed makes it quite a bit of a contradiction to other ethnicities or mostly white men to recognize the fact that black fathers likewise black men with such incriminating history, should be acknowledged for in-depth participation in activities child nurturing, growth and development. Yet the contributions made by black men in the lives of their children and families in terms good fathering elements are far more than what the literally minded would perceive of them. As Conner and White have observed and stated under their subtopic: Fathers in Contemporary America: Invincible but Present. It reads that black men have risen to assume special places in their children’s lives. This as a root cause leads to black men keeping their commitment to their children’s wellbeing and safety. Be it that they reside with them or not. The irony of the situation Conner and White are explaining is: black men who live outside the home and who father and the manner in which they father are consistently ignored. To fully comprehend with fathering in the black community means active researchers and social scientist might have to see it imperative to expand their scopes and borders of their investigations. It is melancholic to know that African American men who don’t reside with their children but are enthused about fathering roles are not considered by researchers who investigate on fathering. Demographic trend concealing father participation in the black community according to Conner and White shows that most Africa American children growing up in a contemporary society do no live in the same household with their biological fathers or fathers reside with them temporarily. Only a small number of black men live with their children throughout childhood. As a degrading factor of research on fathering, black men stay active with their children’s growth although they might not have custody of the children
 My point is, black fathers, regardless that they live with their children or not but are very well concerned with their children’s growth and development are supposed to be esteemed as high as fathers who reside with their children and wives. Disputing the major misunderstanding between the negative absent father pictures of black men in fathering roles emerged from structured interviews, narrations, biographical sketches, community based observations and ethnographical investigations. Studies have also shown high level of father and child interaction among the black community as compared to other ethnicities furthermore black men do more house work than the white man.

Works Cited

Coltrane, Schott “Fathering: Paradoxes, Contradictions, and Dilemmas. Men’s Lives 8th ed. Michail S. Kimmel and Michael A. Messner. New York. Allyn &Bacon 2008. 432-449.Print

John Q. Dir. Nick Cassavetes. Perf.
Denzel Washington, Robert Duvall, Gabriela Oltean. New Line Cinema.2005.Film

Conner Michael E., and Joseph L White “Demographic trends conceal father participation in black community” Black fathers: an invisible presence in America”.2006.Web


Monday, November 29, 2010

1rst draft of research paper 2

Shamoon Baba
Eng 101.0800
Magdalene Bogacka

Recognition of the efforts of the black man in child growth and development
Whiles scanning through Coltrane’s Fathering: Paradoxes, contradiction, and dilemmas, and stumbling upon the acknowledgment of the efforts and participation of black fathers in active child development really sent shock waves of good impressions to my attention. At one point of his reading, he makes a niche of “levels of predictors of fathers’ involvement” in which black men came top of the list of the fathers of other races who participate in child rearing and house work-more so, “Intimate fathers”. One can easily jump into conclusion to think of white men as the ones who should per se possess the “know how” to child growth and development but evidently the black man has put himself on the map with the phenomenal relations they have with their biological offspring as studies have shown. Divorce is not a blocking factor from financial contributions and commitments to the child’s growth and development. And as such, black men have rather challenged this factor amongst others like unemployment and imprisonment. I therefore give a reaffirming support to the earlier point stated by Coltrane on noticed behaviors of black fathers. Mobilizing two backing sources to support my stance, I present the movie “John Q” which exhibits a profound father and son relationship as noted too that fathers in general are more connected to their sons than daughter. The movies will serve as visual support to my position. And with the second source from a book by Michael E Conner “Black fathers: an invisible presence in America”, I advocate for the works of black fathers to be recognized by researchers and academic studies.
 It can be ultimately comprehensible that fathers who work hard –mostly low paying jobs-to provide food and shelter for their family ought to see themselves as a “good fathers” like the reading states.  This can easily be backed with simple logic of why one would spend on another if not for intimate reasons since that person is obviously not running a charity service. As this drama and tears filled movies rolls, a co-resident father (intimate) breaks his back in provision of food and shelter for him and his family. He shares love and responsibilities in the growth and development of their only child to whom unfortunately faces a life threatening surgical transplant. Since the company he worked for had their health insurance policy changed and the pending policy didn’t cover such high bills, the father is faced with the challenge of raising 75,000 dollars to facilitate his son’s surgery or he gets released to go home to await his dead. A vivid display of what a father would do for and with a child is put on show. Looking at how the father and son related like friends and when it was necessary to put his feet down, he did like a father is supposed to. Playing a “double bind” of loving and strict parenting, Denzel expresses the deep seated fatherly love for his son and husband reliability for his wife. This serves as an embedded behavior of typical black males that are not publicized by the media or not being given the adequate support to make others copy from.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

PART 2 OF RESEARCH PAPER 2: Update on Annotated Bibliography


ENG 101.0800


ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY RESEARCH: Recognition of the effort of black men in the lives of their children

John Q. Dir. Nick Cassavetes. Perf.
Denzel Washington, Robert Duvall, Gabriela Oltean. New Line Cinema.2005.Film

After years of working and living on low income wages, an intimate father’s son is face with death if his abnormally growing heart is not changed for a new one. Since the insurance company wouldn’t cover the cost of the surgical transplant, he is faced with the challenge of coming up with the funds for the surgery. Not being able to forfeit the cost of the treatment, he takes charge of the surgery room to ensure the safety of his son

As world widely researched and evaluated of intimate fathers, the basic result of the kind of bond shared between the father and his family becomes unbreakable to the extent that the father/husband is ready to do everything to safe keep his family. This is a man who is very close to his son. Playing the role of father and friend.

Evidently as modern fathering is professing that a father’s involvement can be measured by what he does with and for his child is more important than co-residence. As displayed by the way Denzel and his son projected in this drama filled movie

 Conner Michael E., and Joseph L White “Demographic trends conceal father participation in black community” Black fathers: an invisible presence in America”.2006.Web
This ebook from Conner and White discusses how black men are being disregarded when it comes to fatherly roles in households.Black men are seen as incompetent for the kind of esteem they are supposed to be rated when considering father and son interactions and household work. An advocation for the acknowledgment of the contributions being made by black men in the lives of their children.

Supporting my thesis at its core, black men do very well contribute to the lives of their children and if a serious marriage, their nuclear family. In the case of his child, the black man still goes ahead to be available for his child regardless of the fact that he is not with the child's mother. data have shown, black men have high divorce and unemployment rate. A factor that shouldn't be estimated in evaluating father and son relationship since the basic point is to let the son have an  intimate knowledge of masculinity.

Though engulfed in a history of degradation and socioeconomic suffering, social scientist and researchers tend to deprive black men of some due recognitions like active fathering roles in nuclear and extended households. It might be of great importance for researchers to really broaden their scope of investigations and method of assessment on father and child relation with proper attention paid to the mannerisms of their relation and not the environment nor the literal or primitive perception.

Friday, November 19, 2010

quick write: Fathering Paradoxes Contradiction and Dilemmas by Scott Coltrane

  The emergence of modern families is as a resulted of comptemprary adults being so consumed by career since most marriages don't survive long enough  to sustain a family. Just as female insermination came about making it possible for women to have babies on thier own without the assistance of a man (father), the picture Coltrane has on display extends how men are really getting involved in the upbringing of children where as they want to be closer to thier children as mothers do. Though there might be cultural difference in fathering, but Coltrane makes it clear on how men want to really put out their contradictory best to raise a child; not to be too hard nor too soft but to fit in the middle as both the mother and the father in the "father".

Thursday, November 18, 2010

proposal for research # 2

I am looking to paying a close attention to Bordo’s “ Gentleman or Beast, the double bind”. With emphasis on how contradictory one is expected to behave in modern civilization. My special interest will argue about why this suggestion from Boado’s sits well with me. In my first research, I threw more light on the metro/rock sexuality in which I was trying to make a case similar to what Bordo is projecting in her.

My preliminary thesis will be “The good in double bind”. This will dive into how evolution has brought about the growth state in men combining both their soft and hard elements together to introduce a new form of idealism.

I will conjure my sources form the school library and as much as I can get from the internet. I am hoping that personal experiences will be allowed to be paragraphed into the research.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Worst Date

I hooked up with this girl i knew from back in Junior High School. we talked on the phone a few time before we ::agreed on a date after work on a Friday night whenever. i went to pick her up around 7:45pm and got to the restaurant around 8:05pm.
       After about thirty to forty  minutes into our conversation, there comes this other guy I have never seen before in my life, only to be introduced as a cousin to the girl. As pissed as i was, i managed to be constructive about the introduction the prior conversation  I was having with her before the dude showed up. I also kept my composure in order not to be seen vulnerable or weak hearted or minded. Though others might not make a big deal about this but my review to it is that, why wait till the 11th hour to tell me about your cousin coming to join us? Who does that? I didn't make any comments and sunk it in like its normal but as I sat there chewing down the content of my plate, i entertained a lingering thought of not calling her again right after i drop her off.
      True to my words, I've been totally oblivious to her and all about that day the minute I pulled away from the building in which she lived. My conclusion is, I can't work around surprises in dating at least not on the first day. No exceptional second chances.

Monday, November 8, 2010

1st Research Draft

Metro/Rock the masculinity of the Technological Era.

Economies and civilazation has been the basis on which masculinity and . Since the turn of the millennium, men have become more redefined and   more focused on education and its benefits as well as staying physically fit . Specifically for the year 2008, shortly before the recession hit hard, attention to what is worn as well as looks has escalated with the socioeconomics of men
               The June edition has Shia LaBeauf (actor: Wall Street, 2001) on the cover. He wears a white shirt with a grey vest and a contemporary skinny neck tire. The composition of the smart look but lay back attitude looks like that of a casual city bloke with relatively self-consciousness about him. At the almost top right corner where usually the goal or objective of the year is posted. Starting out from the first of four magazines for this essay, the cover sheet has a posting about ways to dress and what is considered cool and appropriate for men of today. It is clear that modern men are more into their looks and body; hence the masculinity objective being metropolitan for this year of the magazine (2008). The pages that are referred from the cover page are exhibitions of rock masculinity even though metropolitan masculinity is the main objective since consistent monthly issues have men in dress and office suits in on the cover page. This June edition here seems to be the one out of four with a frivolous look about the male character on the cover page as compared to the other three. The follow up of the thirty nine pages of “the cloths you need to stay cool” has advertisements which are more related to “rocky” masculinity as Bordo explains in “Beauty, finding the male body” 

Friday, November 5, 2010


Title: Wedding Crashers
Director: David Bobkin
Featuring: Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson
Distributor: New Line Cinema
Year: 2005
Medium: Film

1) How do the main characters behave in the movie toward other male characters Towards female characters? Do you consider their behavior masculine.
  •  The main characters, Vaughn and Wilson related to most of the male characters in the movie with courage and confidence taking into account that they penetrated a socially high ranking circle and were able to fit in. proving their masculinity to themselves with the craftiness in their ways. They found ways to impress the female characters with slick talking lines to make them more receptive to their schemes and approaches.

2) Does the movie place more emphasis on the relationship/bond between males or between males and females? Are there any connections between the movie and what David Grazian discusses about males behavior in "The Girl Hunt: Urban Nightlife and Performance of Masculinity as Collective Activity"
  • with their Casanova tactics, a resemblance  can be made from the movie with  Grazian's remarks on how boys make preparations before going out to party. From the way Grazian expressed the wing man back-up and various approaches and advances that boys initiate and pursue so was is exhibited here by the two main characters when they finalize the wedding they are crashing and how they make preparation for it.
  • I see more light being thrown on the connection of man and woman and more of brotherhood or friendship but considering the big picture, both men were attracted to two sisters and wanted to be with them. The sisters shared a family bond together with their father as the two crashers to their friendship bond.

3) what seems to be the ultimate message of the film?In other words, what ideas about men and masculinity do you, the viewer, walk away with from this film?

I see the movie as sending out a call to men that in order to attain masculine absolution, there is the need to express true love and respect to the women in their lives since they constitute as a part of the focal point of a man.


        A comedy story about two guys who go to weddings uninvited. And with a conning aura, maneuver their way to bed with as many women as they can. Playing wing man for Vaughn(John), Wilson(Jerome) and him would spent time finding wedding announcements in the newspapers and make plans on the kind of crowd and how to penetrate them. They had their fill of women from their wedding crashing till they crashed at a  wedding of a daughter of a politically powerful man(Christoper Walkin).  Expressing their masculinity to themselves, they confidently and courageously swim  in the midst of high ranking social circles with their slick credulous tactics. A bond between friends and family and an insight of an unbreakable love of father and children.A general reflection on how ideal masculinity can be attained by men closely understanding and connecting with the women in their lives.

Work Cited

Wedding crashers, Dir. David Dobkin. Perf.
Vince Vaughn, Owen Wilson, Christopher Walkin, Rachel Mcadams. New Line Cinema, 2005. Film.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

venn diagram

The Black man was seen as a beast of burden who works to create a comfortable environment for her and her children. Just another step up from animals
2.      The Black man was oppressed in a way to embrace slavery or the oppressing openly and it was as such that Black soldiers in war gave their lives to protect their white masters.
3.      From his suffering silence form the pain cause by the white masters that is left unsaid, the Blackman fails to show his inner true love and respect for his mother, sister, grandmother and wife. He also fails to show his inner truth self and doesn’t talk about it since already branded.
4.      While white masters favored the Black women because of they performed sexual services to them, the Black man didn’t get any reward for being “manly”, courageous or assertive but for being accommodating
5.      The Black man has been undermined from slavery till to date which has resulted in the socioeconomic instability of the Black community in America. Black men have lost confidence and self-esteem to which they take out on their women most times.

Theroux finds it insulting to be told to be a man because it is literally saying be stupid, unfeeling, obedient and not thinking.
2.      He goes on to disagree with how youths are being subverted into thinking that ideal masculinity is separate from women. This, he explains that gets these youth spending the rest of their life finding women confusing and annoying.
3.      Men in America show their manhood in old fashion ways like killing wild animals, hunting and using pronouncements for a man.
4.      Men are shy to come forth with any profession that is conventionally perceived as a feminine profession with exemplary from a writer profession.

Just like the Black man was seen as a beast of burden or a step above animals as Marable says can also be analogized with the mention of American men showing their manhood in the old fashion ways with example of how Norman Maibel will go to show that he is as much monster like the next man in Theroux’s article.
2.      Theroux feels it is insulting for someone to say “be a man.” Which he explains, means to be stupid, unfeeling, obedient, soldierly and not thinking. This, I find at par with how the Blackman was expected to be manly by being stupid, not thinking and obedient and soldierly by the white master.
3.      Just like how Marable explains that Black men should put away his differences and connect to the Black woman for Black communal good, so does Theroux disagree with how youths are being subverted into believing that ideal masculinity is separate from Awomen?
4.      In the nut shell both Theroux and Marable are expressing the same type of masculinities. The story line may differ but basically has a common factor of both the Black men from Marable and the Male from Theroux having the same offence taken by how their masculinity is being perceived but I believe both Marable and Theroux have enough elements in their narration to deem their characters stereotypical.

Friday, October 29, 2010



Preliminary Thesis: YEAR OF THE METRO/ROCK MEN.

I.1st supporting point: content of the June edition of GQ men’s magazine supports metro/rock sexuality
  A. types of shorts and how its recommended to be worn
     1. an actor with journalist surrounding him at a beach.
     2.A strong example was made out of our own late President JFK.
  B. since the invention of metro sexuality, I believe a code of dressing came with it or is being improved    from time to time on what looks appropriate on a metro man as compared to other masculinities not paying any detailed attention to that.
     1. Disagreement on other ways of shorts wearing and the approval of GQ on the right way to wear                                                                               

II. 2nd supporting point: metro meets rock in the September and November editions
   A. inclusion of rock masculinity in ads as I have on display on sport coaches and Canada goose parkas
     1.metro and rock touch concealed in the characteristics expected of modern coaches
     2. as the article is saying, the parkas can fit for a casual walk down the street and yet a metro/rock man would use this parkas in a ways the fits best be it be it casual or smart which will show some sort of double bind in a rock/metro sexuality.  
  B.  In a game like football, it is obvious that there is no time to think of looks when it comes to a game of such nature but the men this generation are encouraged to be conscious of their looks

III.  3rd supporting point: constant promotion of metro/rock encouragements.
A.     Analysis of December GQ men’s magazine from front cover to page of Kenneth Cole ad.
 transformation of men in need of dressing tutorials since the age of metro masculinity is here now and a lot of
B.some ads like the Breitling watch, keeps showing up in other subscriptions of the same magazine and other magazines alike.
C.     The character in the ad, if known should be related to his personality or what he is known for. And in this case John Travolta is no stranger to the metro world and his movies showing his rocky side.


Friday, October 15, 2010


ENG 101.0800
October 18, 2010


Mark Healy. “4--Rein In Your Sport Shorts: Summersize It!” Gentlemen’s Quarterly. June 2008

“Summersize it” is telling about summer dress tips that is deemed appropriate. From swim suit, polo shirt and choosing sunglasses. it goes on to give guidelines on how to wear shorts in the summer with reference to JFK. This fell under the number four on the list of things to “Summersize”

In “4—Rein In Your Shorts” highlights the appropriate way to wear shorts and not only that but those ones that are a go for a metro man or a modern man considering a good reference made by Healy of JFK with a 1953 picture of him and a lady-I believe to be the First Lady- in khaki shorts that is right around his knees just as Healy is suggesting as a good or cool way to wear shorts.

This somehow draws a line between the boys and the men; not saying that boys don’t have the ability to be metro/rocky sexual. From my point of view, being a metro/rocky sexual is about responsibility. The responsibility of making sure that you are keeping up with just about everything sophisticated n proper (above average). In this exemplary make by Healy, he brought up JFK as an influencing factor to consider in the proper way to put on shorts and furthermore, the type. And going back to the 50th page where there is “The Sartorialist”. Here, “GQ’s eye on the street, Schott Schuman, captures the month’s best styles” and in this, a Yale student wearing a pair of shorts appropriately wrote, “I am not saying this dressing is for everyone but it’s more refreshing than another pair of cargo shorts topped with a goofy graphic tee”.

Devin Friedman.  “No.12 Style has (finally) returned to the sidelines: 73 reasons why we live in the golden age of football" Gentlemen's Quarterly. Sept 2008

Sweaty and rugged game of football having to be associated with cleanliness and style Running the No.12 position in “73 reasons why we live in the golden age of football”, the writer is emphasizes on how the conventional. An observation of the characteristics of older coaches as compared to younger coaches and their style of sports dressing. Praises gets enrooted to the stylish coaches who put in the effort to maintain fashionable appearance that also relates to their profession. Through style and experience, a metro/rock man commands his respect and admiration generally; if not in his field of profession.

“It’s only a game,” I am thinking other men of another type of masculinity would speak of it if a coach is noted for being too concerned with their looks or what they put on to a game but here is an author who goes to suggest that it would really be appreciated if new, vibrant and stylish coaches are given the chance to exhibit their prowess in the game. A promotion made here for younger, stylish and vibrant coaches is clearly demanding the combination of these two types of masculinity.

The reflection from this article is showing how times have changed so much that even in the game of football where spitting and injuries  are a daily routine of the game, “metro men” make it a point to keep up with their look as always and the game itself I would say is much related to “rocky” men as both coach and players stand in good physical health due to constant training. From the afore mentioned article, one of the new black coaches who was suggested better than older non-stylish coaches seem to have a well-built body. The obvious is that metro men of today, work outs in their physical exercise routine to maintain a rocky body. I believe that they are conscious of the fact that they don’t want to be misjudged as weak based on how stylish they appear and neither do they want to feel intimidated by a totally “rocky” man who is ignorant to style and neatness.

Jim Moore “Canada Goose Parkas” Gentlemen’s Quarterly. Nov 2008

The Canada goose parkas are being projected as a multi male sexuality coat as in how a metro man can put this on to the office and at the same time a vintage attitude which derived from the street is much urban related and can go for the rocky man of the city all in one.

There have been a few fashion products and accessories that are common to two types of masculinities. This is where by a single item can be worn by one type of masculinity and turned around in a different way and worn by another type of masculinity like how this ad/article is telling the reader about the various ways and places that this coat can be worn to.

Personally I think one can always turn things around in a way to suit that person provided you have a structured plan to use it and this is how Moore tries to convey to the reader that this coat goes to the metro man in the city as well as the “rock” man. It only comes down to the metro man donning his with a slim silky tie and a “rock” man might do it with a crew neck tee shirt. And even better, the metro/rock man has a perfect use for such parkas so as he can wear it in any way that fits the casual moments like the office and a regular window shopping walk

“Boost your style: Kenneth Cole Ad.”  Gentlemen’s Quarterly. Dec. 2008

As part of the metro masculinity promotion for the year Kenneth Cole teams up with Macy’s and a style correspondent Brett Fahlgren to transform young men across America from New York to San Fransisco  who are in need of fashion tutorials.

As to the tutorials based on the pictures being displayed in the ad, the young men here are been put on the road to a metro sexuality. Gary Kali Erfe as he stands in his before picture is showing off his muscles under the sweat shirt he has on. The obvious is, there is the “rocky” nature already embedded in his before and comparing his after picture that shows how he has been redefined by his introduction to metro-manhood.

Regardless of profession, the modern times are introducing more men who want or are inspired to behave gentlemanly or display an appreciable amount of decency and discipline. And to be taken serious in many ways, the metro man would see it important to have a look that says how serious he should be taken. A “rocky” man in preppy attire, standing with all the strength and confidence, by no means will he not be taken serious.

“Breitling. Instruments for professionals. “Vogue Men’s. Oct 2008

An ad promoting an item of true metro/rock desire. As known, it takes a metro man to have taste in quality as much as it would take a rocky man to have a use for a true man’s protégé. If time is money as it’s been said and money is masculinities as Paul Theroux says in “The Male Myth”, I should think it falls in place that a good time piece will add up to the idealism of a metro/rock character.

The model used for this ad is John Travolta. A renowned movie star whose multiple character play has mostly been that of a gentleman with an underlying hardness. He bears an intriguing yet receptive attitude that makes it hard to read him. This particular ad has been subsequently appearing in previous editions of both Vogue Men’s and GQ for the whole of 2007/2008 year.

Breitling watches are of great “metro” proportion. Eminent men have always patronized items like this which is ranking in the top of the line of watches for professionals among others like Rolex,Tag Heuer, and others.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


ENGLISH 101.0800
OCTOBER 1, 2010

With all the hardness of a dominating character that deems to lobby for praises and a sophisticated nature of and urban man, a rock can be in either by site or by acting. As an introduction to the ad in citing, the rock makes a better man.
            In this case, I am working with the GQ men’s magazine. Popularly purchased and subscribed by what can be termed as the “ideal urban men” and “aspiring ideal men”.  The new look that they’re trying to give a man is a combination of a rock and a leaner since logically thinking about it, having the best of both sides can make a better grooming.  The character is here is donning professional attire at a sort of meeting in what seems to look like a Victorian building. The metropolitan outlook being displayed is showing in the cut of the suit which is custom tailored and also has an awesome urban touch which in total appeals to  masculinity and at the same time telling the tale of the “new man” which is a combination of the new and the old in wearing of professional outfits. It is obvious that men in the city are those ones that bring out what tomorrow’s fashion trend should be for that of those in the country to follow and in this instance, the yellow woolen vest is  worn is commanding that attention. He then stands with his hands pocketed into his dress pants which also portray confidence as a motion done mostly when one has a feeling of fulfillment or superiority complex. All the same it’s the mostly educated or literate men who really have a the use for professional attires which in this case the character is having the professional dress code on which can be link to only men of white collar profession but in these modern times, men of other professions too can purchase such classic, vintage and urban ideal looks.
            The look on his face is soft and introspective. Kind of in a way that you can tell there is a second personality to him and that his professional yet luxurious look is not supposed to send the wrong message. This here is more of what Susan Bordo details it in “Gentleman or Beast?  The double bind of masculinity”, (p.243). Similar here is the multi-sides of an ideal man that lies embedded in the calmness of a clean shave and a preppy dress code. For a second, regardless of the intriguing reception, there is a bit of “Marlboro man” look that tops it off. Next up from the main page is the next character that is also in a preppy look with his eyes cut off which also signifying extreme secrecy and as such exalting the eminence of men as expected of. As such men in general are looked up to project an upright, strict, well-constructive and disciplined composure.
            In recent times men- rocks- have really come to accept the many phenomenon sides about them and with that evolved a newly redefined rock from the conventional or typical type. Not to boast of all that the rock can accomplish or what lies in store, the new rock as the ad shows is one that acts more receptive and not domineering but still gets his way... No wonder the ad is one that is original to Ralph Lauren Polo; for all the prestige and quality.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


choosing once again the 3rd choice in the quick write,black men have come to indoctrinate themselves with the ideology that their potential has a limit to it to which makes them restrict their mind and in some areas,their life all because of the inferiority issues from the perceptions bases on racial factors.with that out of the way,the attitude of black men have been more related to violence and aggression in ways that backs the already tarnished image.


ENGLISH 101.0800
OCTOBER 1, 2010

The media has always played a major role in what the public believes or copy after. Whatever a product may be, it has less of a value or cannot boast of it intended purposes until a physical proof is displayed. Through time, the television and magazines have conveyed their influence through the advertisement of what is considered in vogue.
            In the case, I am working with the GQ men’s magazine which is popularly purchased and subscribed by what can be termed as the “ideal urban men” and “aspiring ideal men”.  The new look that they’re trying to give a man is a combination of a rock and a leaner since logically thinking about it, having the best of both sides can make the best there is.  The character is here is donning professional attire at a sort of meeting in what seems to look like a Victorian building. The metropolitan outlook being displayed is showing in the cut of the suit which is a custom tailored and also has an awesome urban touch which in the total appeals to a masculinity and at the same time telling the tale of the “new man” which is a combination of the new and the old in wearing of professional outfits. It is obvious that men in the city are those ones that bring out what tomorrow’s fashion trend should be for that of those in the country to follow and in this instance, the yellow woolen vest is  worn is commanding that attention. He then stands with his hands pocketed into his dress pants which also portrays confidence as a motion done mostly when one has a feeling of fulfillment or superiority complex they turn to have a boastful appearance. All the same it’s the mostly educated men who really have a the use for professional attires which in this case the character is having the professional dress code on which can be link to only men of white collar profession but in these modern times, men of other illicit professions too can purchase such luxury. Classic, vintage and urban is the new ultimate ideal looks.
            The look on his face is soft and introspective. Kind of in a way that you can tell there is a second personality to him and that his professional yet luxurious look is not supposed to send the wrong message. This here is more of the rock side of an ideal man that lays embedded in the calmness of a clean shave and a preppy dress code. For a second, regardless of the receptive face, there is a bit of “Marlboro man” look that tops it off. Next up from the main page is the next character that is also in a preppy look with his eyes cut off which also signifying a bit secrecy and as such modulating the eminence of men of today. As such -not conventionally inclined-men are expected to project an upright, strict, well-constructive and disciplined composure.
            In recent times men have really come to accept the many human phases that they possess and with that evolved the combination of just about all the various separated elements from the conventional, traditional and educational views. With each compensating the other, these elements are the weave pattern of today’s groomed men. A new era of redefined conventional retro. No wonder the ad is one that is original to Ralph Lauren Polo. For all the prestige and quality;

Monday, October 4, 2010



Preliminary Thesis: A leaner and a rock makes a better man

I. 1st supporting point: Metropolitan look of the clothes appeals to masculinity
  A. classic but urbanely combined appearance
     1.pose of confidence with hands pocketed
     2.projecting attention with opened coat buttons with an inner yellow sweater
  B.Urban men have a use for odd color combination of clothes than those in the country.
     2.Any type of man can put on these vintage classic fits of clothes provided they can afford

II. 2nd supporting point: Soft and pensive appearance.
   A.Clean shave and introspective look
     1.Retro and rock touch concealed in facial
     2.The next guy's eyes are cut off exhibiting secrecy. are expected to portray a strict,upright and trusting discipline.

III. 3rd supporting point: The new professionalism which combines both a retro,leaner and urban attitude.
    A. professional men of today make it a point to stay physically fit.
      1.consideration of  the dress code and the facials combined introduces a new era of conventional retro.
      B.conclusion of add comes within the brand name and it's history of patronage from both blue and white   collared men.


With the 3rd quote chosen,i totally disagree with it because as it is,modern men do care about their looks because staying meticulous accomplishes alot considering first impression.Some things done by men are considered feminine with an example of the use of a hair dryer which is used basically to dry wet hair not specifying that it was meant for ad projects a modern man with a preppy look yet with a profound "rock" look.In this information age,it is somewhat fair for men to stay conscious of their looks and that in no way is feminine or should be considered as such.